Professional Interview & Notes - Elliot Thewlis

Professional Interview & Notes

Elliott Thewlis Q&A (Online Questionnaire)
Introductory Level Designer (8 months+) – Designer @ Pixel Toys
-          Questionnaire Created:
-          In response to these questions, I can conclude, that he considers that there are many factors in order to keep the user engaged, from interesting level design, gameplay and cinematography to name a few. But it is more important to realise the relation between all of these entities within your project.
-          The main focal points when designing mechanics/levels always try to facilitate player agency. Everything the player does has to have a reason, they have to be involved and if there is a reprise from anything, it needs to have context.
-          A considerable philosophy of his is to always create a playground for any character, and always think about controls. Mechanics and feel that they intend before the creation of levels.
-          Another is to never tell the player “No”, If the player wants to, why not? If it doesn’t compromise your core design, then let them.
-          A few of his considered bad practices are lack of feedback and taking only inspiration from games. Boxy levels, unless it has context that relates to your intention.
