SM1 (Practice & Research)

Firstly, Welcome to my space!

I also welcome you to the hope that this space will give you an insight into my development style, as well as possibly assist you in learning to appreciate the Unreal Engine, as well as learn a few techniques and tricks that I have picked up over my last 3 years of using this engine.

Image result for unreal 4

Also, I would love for you to view my introductory post, which goes on to explain my ideas, starting points, what I bring to my studies, interests and skills, I have supplied you with a link below.  :D

I will also be linking any of my relevant posts to the appropriate dates on this page. In the hope, they give you further insight into my findings, so keep an eye out!!


Now, on top of my current idea, I was considering of turning it into a free introductory manual, which will highlight key concepts and practices that should be applied, when using the Unreal Engine 4's Blueprint-scripting system, along with the breakdown of the systems that I manage to create, along with a couple of added extra to make the mechanics more dynamic and adjustable.

I mainly thought of this idea, due to how often I was asked during my time in university, to help some of my fellow peers with their projects, primarily fixing referencing bugs when the engine's message log spat a ton of consistent errors on screen. Now I said consistent, as this was a common flaw that I found, until recently I also realised, from those that I have seen, weren't actually following a correct programming principal, I can also include myself in this group, because it only dawned on me after taking and completing a tutorial course in C++. 

With which I can safely say, my approach of creating blueprints has been significantly improved, alongside a considerable amount of independent research over my time using the engine. Another small idea I had in mind, was to possibly see if I can get a better understanding of C++ and its framework within Unreal Engine, with the hope that I will be able to translate C++ tutorial scripts into blueprints, in order for non-programmers to have access to some hidden gems, which I have found within the Unreal Engine forums, but unable to decipher them in order to use them.

Another thing I have found from my peers, is that most that are into the art side of the Games Design Practice don't particularly use the engines capabilities to enhance their art, which I truly find a shame, as I have found a few simple interesting ways, with minimal programming that can enhance an artists experience with the engine and take their assets to the next level.

My hope is that artists will be able to feel a lot more comfortable with the engine, which I personally think will put them at a better standard when it comes to applying to the industry. Along with learning simple, but extremely effective design skills that I have found which have certain similarities with artist tools within the engine (currently material construction), so with this in mind I also plan to talk about the Unreal Engines Construction Script and Material Editor.


Now after this week chats with Josh and Jim, I can be certain to say, I must really start looking into the real problems or occurrences in the industry that happen, to which I question as to why it came to be.

After this chat, we came to the conclusion that I need to think of the generic idea of my question, rather than think of the goal first. So with this in mind, we did stumble onto some ideas, which we highlighted as keywords, that could be interesting topics to start from: Tutorial Systems, Efficiency, Immersion Factor.

Hopefully you all should know this image from The Matrix (1999), where Neo (played by Keanu Reeves) is sat in a simulation chair and then plugged into a computer-generated system and instantaneously knew Kung-Fu, essentially what I wish to find out is can I just create something and the player can instantly understand it without prompts, possibly trying to stimulate olfactory receptors in the brain, or perhaps systems of relationships that you can find within other games.

After thinking about the idea of tutorials, I did realise that there is a vast array and dynamic presence when it comes to them, but I would also consider some stigma towards them as I am certainly one who has passed on looking at the instructions and just gone gung-ho into the game with no consideration. Maybe that is just my nature of learning by wanting to just apply myself directly rather than fiddle with a manual, or is it perhaps due to my previous experiences in both real life and virtually that have sort of patterned myself into already knowing these pre-factored mechanics, so that I can just apply myself as I can expect what's to come. 

I'm curious if this is also similar to some sort of ignorance or possibly due to the expectation of these tutorials being an inherent factor of games, but I am aware that there are some games that legitimately have no tutorial, so what sort of impact does that have on the user if they are unknown to these systems, similar to a child learning to read.


In reflection of my last entry I did come across a particularly good read from an author at The Guardian, which continues to explain how they perceive a feature written by Toby Gard the designer of the original Lara Croft, the interesting feature for the site - Gamasutra, goes on to explain what he considers to be the ways in which developers often accidentally break the immersive spell.
Links Here:

From Friday's lecture, it came to light that it is imperative that we are required to find: 10 books, 10 websites and 10 Journals/Articles. Initially, I went to the go-to site, Gamasutra, to find any relevant information on my ideas.
Links Here:

Although somewhat stumped as the site is quite vast, I ended up deciding to collect a selection of 5 books from the uni library as I know that actual tomes are legitimate bodies of work opposed to someone's opinions, now these books are:
  • AI for Games and Animation: A cognitive modeling approach (John David Fudge)
  • Critical Play: Radical Game Design (Mary Flanagan)
  • Game Design: Secrets of the sages (Marc Saltzman)
  • Game Design Theory: A New Philosophy for Understanding Games (Keith Burgun)
  • The Computer Game Design Course: Principals, Practices and Techniques for the aspiring Games Designer (Jim Thompson)
After all finding your sources early is the wisest step of them all. I also plan to return at a later date with my findings and shall summarise the relevance of my findings.

Another thought that I have had, was to consider if it was possible for me to create a game level, where the idea of tutorial pop-ups will be minimal, in order to give the player a complete free roam of their own experience in figuring out the world, similar to a thought from my last writing, where I considered the idea of tutorials is somewhat similar to the children learning to read.

This came from a game that Josh mentioned to me, certainly captured my attention primarily due to how little UI it has in comparison to my own work, this being The Unfinished Swan (Video Below).

Additionally, I was considered on creating a level, where I would use relevant props, lighting and SFX in order to direct a player, without necessarily using text prompts, in order to try and create a dynamic experience which is interpreted differently from user to user. My initial thought for this was how Half-Life 2 portrays this, see video below for the full game-play walk-through:

The main reason for this exercise is to enhance on my current ideas of what good design is, only due to having a multitude of different problems with my previous projects where I designed the mechanics first, which in turn didn't give the user much of an interesting experience, as it was predominantly literal, but perhaps that may have been due to the wrong mechanics implemented at the time, as I did to somewhat scatter my ideas and mechanics.

So what is good design? Or better yet, Are the mechanics the main USP for a successful game?


So last Friday, I posted up my base ideas for possible jump-off points.
Links Here:

I also go on to mention how I do plan to continue to populate this page in case of hasty development so that I can give myself a multitude of different avenues. Now although I have these jump off points I also have to consider how I can manage to construct an efficient system and game that all flows coherently. When I was stumbling around google images for anything on good level flow the 2nd image I found, was someone's rendition of how they perceive the flow in Halo (Image below).

Although it isn't an official document by Bungie I do like the concept of it, but furthermore, when I looked into the site it came from I was pleasantly surprised when it came up with an independent site from the designer of the original Lara Croft and her first adventure - Toby Gard.

Links Here:

Considering I have made a First Person Shooter and Role-Playing games in the past, I am considering to not follow suit, in order to broaden my design horizons, additionally I am trying to retract my initial response in order to develop levels or artwork so that I can solely work on these systems, then depending on what is ultimately made I can then make a just decision on the design and theme of my project.

In the reflection of last weeks entry, where I question if mechanics are the main USP of a successful game, I still personally think no at this moment, although I would concur that the mechanics are important in the design aspect. Ultimately, think of Newton's Third Law of Physics:

"For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction."

What I am trying to get at, is that everything that goes into the project will always influence everything that goes into the project, as it has to be coherent and logical.


Now I know I recently posted about the books that I wish to write up upon, but after recently being told about a forthcoming reflection week - no timetabled lessons, this means I can allocate my time during that period to do the books some justice.

With the prospects of venturing into some Unreal Engine work soon, I have been posting more relevant information into the proof of concept page that I had written about previously, with the most recent additions being the posts upon the topics that I have currently presented upon that page. Additionally, I have added a new topic that being, the use of dynamic cameras.
Links Here:

Also to state a case of negative use of camera angles I have also found the following video to give us an incline of what to look for and possibly question when I look at more platforms for research.

My primary reason for this was due to my previous projects having a small amount of player information, to which have hindered my projects to being somewhat unapproachable. So with this in mind, I believe this is almost imperative to learn and develop upon after all everyone can and will interpret information bestowed upon them very differently, with this thought it begs to question, what do/don't we need in games in order to understand it?

In response to this minor question I have been working on a small project which does incorporate a few ideas from some of the mechanics I have currently listed, my current plan is to simplify these mechanics to an extent with hopes to add the actual mechanic in order to create this 'new' concept, so watch this space as I do plan to explain and go into detail about what I have created, and possibly the approach to replicate in case you wish to follow along.

I have also written a post on this topic during this latter end of this week, which you will find below. Which goes on to mention my idea for a small experiment where I can collect qualitative research which will also be applicable towards my Literature Review.

30/10/17   -    REFLECTION WEEK

So with my current research project in its early stages, I soon came to realise that this project could help with the creation of qualitative data based on similar data used within my questionnaire, although still inconclusive of the results I am open to attempt to interpret the data to how I would have approached the test. Granted not the best of terms to justify an experiment, but with human error thrown into the mix alongside timescale, I will not be surprised that the data comes far later than intended.

To express my experiment a little more clearly I have supplied you guys with a link below to see my intentions and the initial control test, a vital piece of base information that I recall using a lot during science experiments back in school.

Links Here:

Along with this recent endeavour, I have also been scouring the far reaches of the internet in order to find a collection of articles and more books in order to give me a better understanding of my chosen field, which are also relevant to my Literature Review

Links Here:

Additionally, I have had some respite in the form of an evolving online game, of which has become somewhat of a timesink as the main mechanic surrounding this game is the element of real time, primarily in the form of degradation, as such meat spoils and tamed animals without appropriate feed and defences die.

Links Here:


Now with my project going at some speed, but with a mind to keep it clean and efficient, I am still in the planning stages of creating a Qualitative test document due to having to create questions appropriate to the content that I have created.
