Possible recycle ideas

Possible recycle ideas

With having done some research on John Romero and his design methods, I am considering to start developing my game around some of the key principles and design decisions that he made when creating DOOM.

As I have shown in some of my previous videos, I have an array of different mechanics to not just test if people enjoy them, but more importantly when I am testing the game, that I also feel a sense of communication between my actions and it. In addition to my research in Romero, I came to a realisation that in order for me to truly create something engaging, that I also have to get feeling when testing. After all, when it gets to our user, we want them to share our experience, that we are trying to create but also what we to play.

So I have decided to hone in on its root components and attempt to re-create them, with the hope that I can bypass some of the simpler components that games have used since its major coming - I'd say around the early 90's. With this idea, I realised my initial approach to introducing the game, that being the MAIN MENU, was a little bit lax to that of our betters which gave me the idea that, I should probably remove the level HUB not only due to it being a little inconvenient to playing the game but more importantly that it currently has no serious use, so converting the initial setup of gameplay I should probably convert to a complete UI based selection system for our player.

As I already have some basic Health and Ability system, (mana/stamina or armour in DOOM), I began to look into the figuring out how to make a modular version of the ammo system on screen. Although with the consideration of creating this system, I will also be required to make an appropriate projectile system (a good starting link is below) that relates to the ammo on screen, in order to show our user their usage; appropriately show relative action between our user and system - such as when a SHOTGUN is being used, the shell counter will go down.

In addition to the projectile system, I will also have to make some interesting but scarce weapons that will aid the user with their play-through: such as grenades, ammo, health, or batteries, that will fund the player enough resources in order to complete the level successfully and possibly have extra to take to the next level, creating another level of reward that the player should pick upon early, and technically teaching them an exploit to be conservative and tactile in order to aid further gameplay.

Upon further investigation, I have also come to realise some key mechanics/ choices used when DOOM was created, in comparison to modern day shooters that is, this being the usual reload mechanic, something that I have had a hand at attempting to make in the past due to it's constant presence within shooter genres, yet in DOOM it is actually non-existent , instead the player only needs to rely on how many bullets they have without the added stress of reload times.
