Mini Projects - Version 1

Mini Projects - Version 1

Over the Christmas period I had developed a selection of mechanics in a separate project, that I had intentions to push into this project, now I must address, that this was not the smartest of choices, primarily due to the migration of NULL mechanics that were not present within this project, which in turn required a complete write up from the other project into this one.

Although it as significantly easier than imagined due to already having the code available, it doesn't make it any easier, when certain systems (i.e. Function libraries, Interfaces, Structures) need to written fresh into the project, so that the systems don't attempt to reference the old project and its dependants, which after attempting just created errors.... hence the warning!

Although after these current systems where in place there were a few things considered that I needed to amend, such as the "Levelling Up" system, due to the EXP bar always capping at maximum and not giving any indication that the player has levelled up (either by some SFX or widget), which is something that I attempt to tackle, as I believe that the player will have a stronger bond with the project if they are being rewarded/indicated for their actions.
