SOS! Editor Crashing & Additional Errors

SOS! Editor Crashing & Additional Errors

Hey guys,

So something unexpected, and down right heart wrenching happened to me today; without having any recent back-ups or video captures, this was by far the most stressful point of my MA thus far. When I came around to load up my project file today, I was greeted with this horrendous crash reporter, granted I have seen this many times prior due to in engine crashes, but this one was special. Special in a way, where initialising the project start up (the Unreal Icon), it wouldn't even open up the project in any way.

Now I realised, that this may have occurred when my project was undergoing its autosave process, and my automatic update also decided to refresh at the same time (which subsequently restarts my pc - a true nightmare), anyway after a considerable amount of research of it still came to no avail -

" My usual trick of removing the Intermediate and Saved folders, which also helps prior packaging as it removes unnecessary file redirectors giving the project a fresh slate to understand its file paths, also didn't work. "

- I ended up considering what also could be the problem, and because I had recently changed the editor Start-Up map to the very map it was saving, I had to find a way to edit that base configuration as it is saved into the engine.

Now there are some other folders in the base project (Binaries, Build, Config), which I have never looked into prior to this, but had the suspicion that these are the base blocks behind our projects and without them the project will not run.

Due to the map choice being based on configuration, it was best to look in that folder first, then in order to access the engine configuration, there is a folder called Default Engine.ini, which upon opening looks like so:

And the highlighted line is the very setting that needs changing in order to change the map on start-up; the only part you need to change is either the map name or the folder then map name, if you haven't got a map folder (which you should).

You also need to locate and delete the build data file of the map that was saving, which is located in Content > Maps (your map folder) > in this folder you will find it with the map name as the prefix (*) then (*_BuiltData.uasset - example below), and once you have done both these steps, reload your project and do a total rebuild on all the required maps for your project.

To which I hope also resurrects your work in a time of crisis. Otherwise make backups up regularly, like I am going to do religiously from now on. XD
